Miami Swim Week – Naava Swim
Thank you Naava Swim for allowing me to open your show and set the tone for the final day of Art Hearts Fashion Swim Week! This show was extra special because I was involved in multiple capacities. I was Assistant Casting Director, Assistant Creative Director, and Model for Naava Swim: Salute to Women in Service showcase. What made it more special …. and it didn’t click until Keiko mentioned it, my Aunty Freída Cole, who passed away from wack ass cancer back in ‘14, was a model AND Army vet and a helluva model citizen. Maybe this is why I was so willing to participate and assist because the connection was undeniable…
So huge ginormous thank you to all the fabulous women in service who fight for this stale ass country that is unworthy of their existence. Love y’all ALL!
Video: @sonev_vision
Visuals: @vision_studios_photography
Production: @artheartsfashion
Makeup: @amandaseabury
Body: Made by My Momma!